
Drug Manufacturing Company

Drug Manufacturing Company LLC (DMC) was promoted in 2010 and the primary activity of the company is to manufacture Active Pharma Ingredients (API) in Sohar Area, Sultanate of Oman.

The Company is setting up a manufacturing plant in Sohar Industrial Estate with this objective, with a total installed capacity of 420 ton per year. Civil Construction for the project is 90% complete.

The first project of the company will be to manufacture bulk drugs antibiotic of cephalosporin. Cephalosporin's are indicated for the prophylaxis and treatment of infections caused by bacteria susceptible to this particular form of antibiotic.

DMC aims to become a leading GCC based supplier of APIs to manufacturers drugs in the GCC region and Europe in the near term and look to expand its reach to the US market in the medium to long term.

Drug Manufacturing Company